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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Chamber of Commerce?
A 501C6 non-profit association of business people and individuals concerned about improving the area in which they do business. The Chamber’s strength lies in the number and diversity of its membership. Both large and small businesses from virtually every profession are represented and influence the interests and concerns of the Chamber. The more members the Chamber has the better its representation in the overall area. It accomplishes collectively what no other business could do alone, and it is only as strong as members allow it to be through their support. Our Chamber is the business development organization for Front Royal-Warren County and addresses issues that concern this area and the quality of life. In a nutshell, the Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit 501C6 organization providing an investment that is 100% tax deductible as a business expense serving the Front Royal-Warren County area. The Chamber ONLY refers Chamber members and addresses the needs and concerns of the area and its members. The Chamber of Commerce is not…. a department of the town, county, state or federal government; a political body; a civic club; a social service; a welfare or charitable institution; a private advertising, publicity or public relations agency.
2. What does a Chamber Do?
What we do is unlimited, depending on community needs and the desire and ability of the Chamber to meet those needs. We provide 5 essential ingredients: Connections, Education, Opportunity, Influence, and Value.
3.Who are our Members?
Any business or individual sharing a common interest in the community and the Chamber’s mission.
4.Who runs it?
A 9 member Board of Directors. The Board serves without pay and sets the policies of the organization. The staff including President are employed by the Board of Directors.
5.What is the Chamber’s Mission?
To promote and support our membership by serving as its voice, providing relevant programs, encouraging leadership, and creating a strong business climate and a vibrant community.
6.When was our Chamber founded?
In 1940 as a part-time Chamber and on June 5, 1944 the Chamber began operating for the first time as a full time organization.
7. Where is the Chamber office located?
In beautiful historic downtown Front Royal at 201 E. 2nd Street, Front Royal, VA 22630. Our hours of operation are Tuesday – Friday 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM.
8. When are Business After Hours events held?
Business After Hours are held on the 4th Tuesday or Thursday of each month from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at various member businesses.
9. Can my business host a Business After Hours Event?
Business After Hours events can be hosted by any member of the Chamber. Most events have been booked 6 months to a year in advance. These events are well attended with attendance usually reaching 50-75 people. There are space and food requirements for hosting an event. Contact or 540.635.3185 to schedule your event.
10. When is the Chamber’s radio show broadcast?
Royal Broadcasting allows the Chamber to co-host Valley Business Today every 1st Wednesday of the month on The River 95.3 FM at 12:00 PM.
11. Can I find the Chamber on Social Media?
Yes, you can find the Chamber on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.
12. Does the Chamber have a weekly newsletter?
Yes, the Chamber has a newsletter that is emailed to the entire membership and various contacts each week. This newsletter is comprised of Chamber event and program news, calendar listings, sponsor information and member news. Members can supply information on products, services and events to appear in the News from our Members section to Listings must be ONLY 2-3 sentences and should direct readers to point of contact for additional information.
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